Pictures of Different Yoga Poses

Yoga Day Celebration


Type of Yoga Postures

Ardhakati Chakrasana

Ardhakati Chakrasana"ArdhakatiChakrasana" is famous as half waist wheel pose as well. The bend from the waist sideways in this asana resembles the wheel.....
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BhujangasanaBhujangasana is a posture during which the body resembles a cobra. This asana is therefore popularly known as Cobra Pose as well....
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ChakrasanaThe Chakrasana requires Yoga practitioners to achieve a backward bending posture, which may be difficult to perform initially....
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DhanurasanaDhanurasana is an asana in which the body resembles the shape of a bow in the final position. The asana is very commonly known...
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Ardh Halasanaa & Halasana

Ardh Halasanaa & HalasanaOne of the advanced asanas in Yoga, Halasana requires the body to resemble a plow in the final position. Also known as the Plow Pose....
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MatyasanaKnown as the Fish Pose, the Matsyasana is a relatively easy asana to perform and practice, and is a great step for Yoga novices....
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NatarajasanaAlso known as the Lord of the Dance Pose, the Natarajasana's primary influence is the mighty Hindu God, Shiva. Hailed as the Lord....
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PaschimottasanaThe Paschimottanasana, commonly known as the Forward Bend Pose, involves the whole body and stretches all vital parts from head to toe....
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SalabhasanaThe Salabhasana is a posture or asana which falls under the category of Hatha Yoga. Popularly known as the Locust Pose in the west....
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SarvangasanaThe Sarvangasana or the Shoulder Stand Pose is an advanced asana that involves all major parts of the body, and is known for providing...
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SasankasanaThe word 'Sasanka' in Sanskrit translates into a rabbit or a hare. As the name suggests, Sasankasana is a Yoga pose in which the....
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SirsasanaSirsasana is often referred to as the 'King of all Asanas' in the Yoga community. It is one of several inverted asanas, which uses the principles...
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TrikonasanaThe Trikonasana or the Triangle Pose is a Yoga posture that requires practitioners to keep their eyes open, unlike most other asanas....
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UshtrasanaUshtrasana is a Yoga pose in which the body of the practitioner resembles that of a camel. The word 'Ushtra' is a Sanskrit word and it....
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VajrasanaVajrasana is one of the simplest asanas to perform for Yoga practitioners. Known also as the Diamond Pose or the Thunderbolt Pose in the west...
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SiddhasanaSiddhasana, commonly known as the Accomplished Pose, is a sitting asana that is great for practitioners of meditation...
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GomukhasanaThe asana or posture of Gomukhasana has gained immense popularity within the Yoga community. The asana, whose name literally translates...
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SimhasanaIn the Sanskrit language, Simha stands for lion, and the Simhasana translates into the Lion Pose. While practicing this asana, the final position...
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ArdhamatsyendrasanaAlso known as the Half Lord of the Fishes Pose, the ArdhaMatsyendrasana derives its name from a yoga guru called Matsyendranath...
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YogasanaThe practice of Yoga is generally referred to as Yogasana. It is a practice that goes back a long way in time, and in recent years...
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MandukasanaMandukasana is an asana or posture in which the practitioner is required to assume the pose of a frog. Alternatively known as Frog Pose...
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Uttana Mandukasana

Uttana MandukasanaThis asana is a variant of the Mandukasana, and involves more stretching than the Mandukasana. The UttanaMandukasana is commonly...
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MayurasanaThe word 'Mayur' stands for peacock in the Sanskrit language, and in the Mayurasana, practitioners assume the shape of a peacock....
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PadmasanaVeterans of the Yoga community see the Padmasana as the ultimate asana for attaining a meditative state. Through regular practice...
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Know more about & Yoga Day

Maharishi Patanjali is the 'father of Yoga' who compiled 195 Yoga Sutras that became the foundation of Yoga philosophy.

Pictures of Different Yoga Poses


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